Participant Info

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Kenyon College
Website URL
Colonialism and Empire, History of the Body, Race and Ethnicity, Social History of Medicine, Disability, Gender, Labour History
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About Me
Recent Publications

“‘Crutches as Weapons’: Blackness and the Disabled Soldier Body in World War I,” in Men and Masculinities in Modern Britain: A History for the Present, eds. Matt Houlbrook, Katie Jones, and Ben Mechen (Manchester University Press, 2024), 88-110.

“Imperial Amnesia: Race, Trauma, and Indian Troops in the First World War,” Past & Present 241, 1 (Nov. 2018): 221-258.

“Health by Design: Teaching Cleanliness and Assembling Hygiene at the Late Nineteenth Century Sanitation Museum,”The British Journal for the History of Science 51, 3 (Sept. 2018): 457-485.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Britain, India, Anglophone Caribbean, Kenya
Expertise by Geography
Africa, British Isles, Caribbean, India, United Kingdom
Expertise by Chronology
19th century, Modern, 20th century
Expertise by Topic
Colonialism, Disability, Gender, Human Rights, Medicine, Migration & Immigration, Military, Race, Science, Technology, World War I