Participant Info

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Independent Legal Military Scholar
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Post-Conflict Colombia, Post-WWII Occupied Japan, Post-WWII Occupied South Korea, Post-WWII Occupied Germany, Post-WWII Occupied Austria, Free Territory of Trieste, UNSCR 1325, Military Education, Military Respect for Human Rights and Rule of Law, Discrimination Against Women
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About Me

Cornelia Weiss, retiring in the rank of colonel, served in Europe, the Americas, and the Pacific. The Colombian Public Forces recognized her work in Colombia by awarding her the Medalla al Mérito Militar en Derecho Humanos y Derecho Internacional Humanitario “General José Hilario López Valdés” and the Medalla Militar “Servicios Distinguidos a la Justicia Penal Militar.” Other honors received include the US Air Force Keenan Award for making the most notable contribution to the development of international law.

A graduate of the Inter-American Defense College, she holds a GED, an AA (Colorado Mountain College), a BA (University of Utah), an MA (ANEPE), and a JD (Vanderbilt). Fellowships include the Ian Axford Fellowship (New Zealand and Timor-Leste) and the Rotary Peace Fellowship (Thailand and Nepal). Research grants include the Scholar Research Grant, Hoover Institution (Stanford) and the Sam Fishman Travel Grant, Walter P. Reuther Library (Wayne State). In 2022, served as Scholar-in-Residence at the Law Library of the Library of Congress.
Knowing that history is often used as an excuse to exclude women, she excavates forgotten history about women, peace, and power while proactively seeking to create transformative policies and practices.
Recent Publications

2023 “Civil Dispute Resolution: An Ignored Winning Strategy for Afghanistan,” Military Review (won 3rd Prize in the General William E. DePuy Special Topics Writing Competition on “Insights from Two Decades in Afghanistan,” translated and published also in the Spanish and Brazilian-Portuguese language editions of Military Review)

2022 “Stop Excluding Women from Military Education,” in Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad, Inter-American Defense Board [in English, Spanish, and Brazilian-Portuguese]

2022 Review of Sara Bertotti, Gina Heathcote, Emily Jones, and Sheri Labenski “The Law of War and Peace: A Gender Analysis, Volume One, Journal of Military Learning

2022 “Gender in International Law Syllabi,” European Journal of International Law, Vol 33, Issue 1

2021 “Creating UNSCR 1325: Women Who Served as Initiators, Drafters, and Strategists, in Rebecca Adami and Dan Plesch (eds.), Women and the UN: A New History of International Human Rights, Routledge

2020 “The Nineteenth Amendment and the U.S. ‘Women’s Emancipation Policy’ in Post-World War II Occupied Japan: Going Beyond Suffrage,” Akron Law Review: Vol. 53 : Iss. 2, Article 4

2020 “Discrimination Against Women, Rule of Law and Culture of Peace: Colombia’s ‘Peace’ Agreement,” The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs Vol 44:1 Winter 2020, 97-120

2020 “The State of Civil-Military Relations Education: Falling Short?,” Hemisferio Vol 6

2019 “Transforming Reality: Employing International Law to End Practices that Exclude Women as Peacemakers, Peacekeepers, and Peacebuilders,” in Cecilia Bailliet (ed.), Research Handbook on International Law and Peace, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 329-350

2019 Review of Kyndra Miller Rotunda “Civil Protections and Remedies for Servicemembers,” The Reporter, at:

2018 Review of Christine Chinkin and Mary Kaldor “International Law and New Wars,” Parameters 48(1), spring 2018, 132-133

2017 Review of Helen Irving’s “Constitutions and Gender,” Int’l J. Const. L aw Blog, Aug. 9, 2017, at:

2016 “Gender Stereotyping in the Military: Insights from Court Cases,” (with Rebecca Cook) in Alexandra Timmer and Eva Brems (eds.), Stereotypes and Human Rights Law, Antwerp, Belgium: Intersentia, 175-198

2015 “Barely Begun: Women as Peacemakers, Peacekeepers and Peacebuilders in International Law and Practice,” in Cecilia Bailliet and Kjetil Mujezinovic Larsen (eds.), Promoting Peace Through International Law, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 274-296

2014 “El curriculo de las escuelas de guerra: cincuenta por ciento esta perdido / War College Curricula: The Missing Fifty Percent,” Criterio Jurídico Garantista. Año 6, No. 11. Jul.-Dic. de 2014, Fundación Universidad Autónoma de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia, 138-167

2012 “Rechtstaatlichkeit und Terrorismusbekämpfung: Erfahrungen aus Kolombien,” in Jochen Kleinschmidt et al (eds.), Der terrorisierte Staat: Entgrenzungsphanomene politischer Gewalt, Stuttgart, Germany: Franz Steiner Verlag, 127-152

2012 “Respect for Human Rights and the Rule of Law: The New Zealand Defence Force,” Ian Axford (New Zealand) Fellowship in Public Policy, weiss.pdf

2011 “Internationales Pirateriegericht und Haftanstalt auf See: Überlegungen zur Bekämpfung der Seeräuberei,” (with Vice Admiral [ret] James Perkins III) MarineForum, August 2011, 31-32

2007 “Coca and Cocoa – Colombia Bitter and Sweet: This Deployed Military Lawyer’s Experience,” The Ambassadors REVIEW, Spring 2007, 50-53

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
Central America, Germany, Japan, Latin America, New Zealand, United States
Expertise by Chronology
20th century
Expertise by Topic
Emancipation, Gender, Human Rights, Labor, Law, Military, Women, World War II