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University of York
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Food history, domestic service, nineteenth century, eighteenth century, twentieth century, cooks, cookery, Queen Victoria, Victorian, Georgian, kitchens, live interpretation
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Personal Info

About Me

Food historian specialising in British food and dining c.1650-1950, with a sideline in domestic service. Have worked for many years in costume and advising historic sites on live interpretation.

Book: The Greedy Queen: eating with Victoria, (on Queen Victoria’s eating habits and her life through food). Book in progress: Victory in Kitchen: the story of Churchill’s Cook, (a biography of Georgina Landemare and exploration through her of C20 foodways).

Media: The Kitchen Cabinet (BBC Radio4, panellist), The Sweetmakers (BBC2, presenter and consultant) and Victorian Bakers (BBC2, ditto), plus various others.

Affiliation: university of York, UK (research associate), but work freelance.

Recent Publications

The Greedy Queen: Eating with Victoria (2017)

Media Coverage
See above
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
United Kingdom
Expertise by Chronology
17th century, 18th century, 19th century, 20th century
Expertise by Topic
Museums, Public History, Women