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University of Chicago
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modern Middle East history, gender analytics, race analytics, Iraqi history, Arab Jewish history, Mizrahi studies, intersectionality, Islamic feminism, the woman question in Middle East history
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About Me

I am a historian of the modern Middle East who is particularly interested in applying the analytics of gender and race to the modern Middle East. Currently, I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago. My dissertation is tentatively titled “Watching Whiteness Work?: The Racialization of Jewish Women in Iraq and Israel/Palestine, 1941-1966.” My research and teaching interests include: modern Middle East history, gender analytics, race analytics, intersectionality, gender and race in the Middle East, the woman question, Islamic feminism, Iraqi history, Arab Jews, history of Jews in the Middle East, and Mizrahi studies. I obtained my B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and my M.A. from Brandeis University.

Recent Publications

“‘Girls of the Eastern Communities:’ The Intersectionality of Female Arab Jewish Immigrants, Israel-Palestine 1947-1960,” in The Journal of Jewish Identities (July 2018)

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
Middle East
Expertise by Chronology
Modern, 20th century, 21st century
Expertise by Topic
Gender, Race, Women