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CDCI Research Inc
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British Identity, Canadian Immigration, Nineteenth Century, Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia, Genealogy
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Personal Info

About Me

I am a Historical Researcher (Senior Researcher and Analyst) at a private research company in Ottawa, ON.  My research includes the way in which British immigrants to Canada identified and celebrated their identity in the nineteenth century, and created social and familial networks in the new and old worlds, particularly in Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia.  I am also a professional genealogist.  I have also written extensively on popular culture – specifically on science fiction and time travel.

Recent Publications

“Claiming the Streets: Negotiating National Identities in Montreal’s Parades, 1840-1880,” in Celebrating Canada Volume 1: Holidays, National Days and the Crafting of Identities,”Matthew Hayday and Raymond B Blake, eds., University of Toronto Press, 2016, 29 – 53.

“Entre les tensions et les groupes de pression: les Britanniques de Montréal au temps des Rebellions” in De la représentation a la manifestation : Groupes de pression et enjeux politiques au Québec, XIXe et XXe siècles, Stéphane Savard & Jérôme Boivin, eds., Septentrion Press, 2014, 276-291.

“The Importance of Being English: English Ethnic Culture in Montreal, 1800- 1864,” Locating the Hidden  Diaspora 1500-2010, Tanja Bueltmann, David T Gleeson and Donald M MacRaild, eds., Liverpool University Press, 100-117.

Who Travels with the Doctor: Essays on the Companions of Doctor Who, edited by Gillian I Leitch and Sherry Ginn, McFarland Publishers.

“Les anglais de Montreal,” Montréal en Tête: La Mémoire de la Métropole du Québec, #66, Automne 2015.

“Les écossais de Montréal,” Montréal en Tête: La Mémoire de la Métropole du Québec, #65, Automne 2014, 14-17.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
British Isles, North America
Expertise by Chronology
19th century, 20th century
Expertise by Topic
Colonialism, Family, Migration & Immigration, Public History, Religion, Urban History