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University of Naples Federico II
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first world war, morality, intellectual history, social history, gender studies, late Ottoman Empire, women studies, citizenship
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About Me

Between February 2019 and January 2020 I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Naples Federico II on a project titled, ‘Ottomans, Turks, and ‘Others’: War and Citizenship in the First World War and its Aftermath in the Ottoman Empire.’ I received my PhD degree in 2018 from Bogazici University’s Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History and Leiden University’s LIAS Turkish Studies Program within the framework of a joint PhD program with a dissertation titled, ‘The Struggle Within: ‘Moral Crisis’ on the Ottoman Homefront During the First World War.’ My MA thesis, ‘Negotiating the Terms of Mercy: Petitions and Pardon Cases in the Hamidian Era’ was published by Libra Publishing House in 2013. I conducted a research project on a Jewish property in Istanbul’s Galata neighborhood on which I wrote a book detailing property transformation, urban change, and Ottoman non-Muslims’ lives with the title, ‘The Barnathan Apartments.’ Recently, I guest edited a special issue on women’s agency in the late Ottoman Empire for the Journal of Ottoman and Turkish Association (JOTSA).

Recent Publications


◆    Moral Crisis in the Ottoman Empire: A Social and Intellectual History of the Homefront During the First World War. London & New York: I.B. Tauris, under contract.

◆     The Barnathan Apartments. (also published in Turkish Barnathan Apartmanları) Istanbul: Global Basım Yayın, 2016.

◆     Negotiating the Terms of Mercy: Petitions and Pardon Cases in the Hamidian Era. Istanbul: Libra Yayınevi, 2013.


◆     “Archives Contested: Politics and Change in the Ottoman Archives From Past to Present,” in A. Buono & M. Giuli (ed.) Archivi e modernità: Nuove prospettive di ricerca, Atti del convegno (Pisa 3-4 June 2019), Carocci, Rome (forthcoming).

◆     “Prospettive culturali sulla guerra italo-ottomana del 1911 e il ruolo dell’opinione pubblica sui due fronti domestici,” in R. Pepicelli & D. Mascitelli (ed.) L’Italia e l’islam – 12 secoli di storie in movimento, Atti del convegno (Pisa 6-7 December 2018), Carocci, Rome (forthcoming).

◆     “’The Homeland Will Not be Saved Merely by Chastity’: Women’s Agency, Nationalism, and Morality in the Late Ottoman Empire,” in “Women’s Agency in the Late Ottoman Empire,” special issue of the Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association edited by Çiğdem Oğuz, vol. 6, no. 2, (Fall 2019): 91-111.

◆     “Introduction: Women’s Agency in the Late Ottoman Empire,” in “Women’s Agency in the Late Ottoman Empire,” special issue of the Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, vol. 6, no. 2, (Fall 2019): 9-12.

◆     “Reality of the Magic of the East”: Hemingway on the Greco-Turkish War and the Refugee Procession in Eastern Thrace,” Diacronie, Studi di Storia Contemporanea, December 2019.

◆     “Prostitution (Ottoman Empire),” 1914-1918 Online International Encyclopedia of the First World War, ed. by Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, Oliver Janz, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Alan Kramer, and Bill Nasson, issued by Freie Universität Berlin (2017). doi: 10.15463/ie1418.11038

◆     “Millî Mesele ve Maddî Gereksinim Arasında: Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Lubiyyat, Tiyatro, Sinema Benzeri Eğlence Yerlerini ve İçeriğini Düzenleme Çabaları,” [Between National Cause and Economic Need: Attempts to Regulate the Venues and Contents of the Entertainment, Theatre, Cinema and Similar Activities During the First World War] Toplumsal Tarih, Vol. 267 (March 2016): 86-91.

◆     Review of Kadınların Mülk ve Miras Edinmesi: Kemalist Aydınlanma ve İslami Sosyolojik Süreçler [Women’s Property Acquisition: Kemalist and Islamic Sociological Processes] by Şule Toktaş & Mary Lou O’Neill, Turkish Studies, Vol. 16, Issue 1 (2015): 138-141.

◆     “İsmail Onbaşı’nın Defteri: Kanal Harekatı’ndan Thayetmyo Esir Kampına,” [The Notebook of Corporal Ismail: From Suez Operation to the Thayetmyo Prison Camp] Toplumsal Tarih, Vol. 251 (November 2014): 44-49.

◆     “The Pardons of the Hamidian Era: The Petitions and the State Policy,” In Forgiveness: Philosophy, Psychology and the Arts, edited by T. McKenry, C. Bruun Thingholm, 67-76. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2013.

◆     Zürcher, Erik Jan. “Modern Türkiye Tarihinde Dönüm Noktaları ve Kaçırılan Fırsatlar: Olaylar Nerelerde Farklı Yöne Gidebilirdi?,” [The Turning Points and Missed Opportunities in Modern Turkish History: Where Could Things Have Gone Differently?] Translated by Çiğdem Oğuz, Kebikeç, Vol. 24 (2007): 19-29.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Ottoman Empire
Expertise by Geography
Mediterranean, Middle East
Expertise by Chronology
19th century, Modern, 20th century
Expertise by Topic
Family, Gender, Law, Migration & Immigration, Religion, Women, World War I