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University of glasgow
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women, gender, 19th century, 20th century, child abuse, knitted textiles
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Personal Info

About Me

Professor of Modern History and Head of School of Humanities, University of Glasgow. Areas of expertise are postwar womanhood in Britain; child welfare and child abuse in Scotland; Scottish knitted textiles. I also specialise in oral history.

Recent Publications
  1. Oral History Theory (Routledge: London, 2010) pp.214. (2nd edition 2016 with accompanying website)


  1. Myth and Materiality in a Woman’s World: Shetland 1800-2000xii+252 (Manchester University Press, 2005)


  1. The Making of Modern Woman: Europe 1789-1918, x + 382, (London, Longman, 2002).  Translated into Czech as Lynn Abramsová, Zrození Moderni Ženy: Europa 1789-1918 (Centrum pro Studium Democracie a Kultury, 2005) and into Russian (2010)


  1. The Orphan Country: Children of Scotland’s Broken Homes, 1845 to the Present Day, x + 270 (Edinburgh, John Donald, 1998).


Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
United Kingdom, Western Europe
Expertise by Chronology
19th century, 20th century
Expertise by Topic
Family, Gender, Material Culture, Women