Participant Info

First Name
Corinne A.
Last Name
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Website URL
history of international organizations, latin american history, history of food policy, history of development, league of nations, pan-americanism,
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About Me
Recent Publications


  • Corinne A. Pernet, “The FAO from below and from the field: The nutrition officer Emma Reh in Central America,” International History Review, 2018.
  • Corinne A. Pernet & Amalia Ribi Forclaz, “Revisiting the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): International Histories of Agriculture, Nutrition,and Development,” The International History Review, 2018, DOI: 10.1080/07075332.2018.1460386
  • Corinne A. Pernet and Christiane Berth, “Introducción: Desarrollo en Centroamérica: Modelos, Debates, Prácticas e Imaginarios,” in Mesoamérica, 57 (2015, but appeared 2017), p. 63-68.
  • Corinne A. Pernet and Christiane Berth, „Wissenstransfer, Experten und ihre Handlungsspielräume am Instituto de Nutrición de Centro América y Panamá (INCAP), 1961-1982,“ in Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 41:4 (2015), p. 613-648.
  • Corinne A. Pernet, “L’UNICEF et la lutte contre la malnutrition en Amérique centrale, entre coopérations et concurrences,” Relations Internationales (ed. Yves Denéchère and Joëlle Droux), n°161, (Spring 2015), p. 27-42.
  • —, “Pela cultura genuína das Américas: Folclore musical e política cultural do Pan-americanismo, 1933-1950,” in Revista Brasileira da Música, 27:1 (2014) Edição Comemorativa 80 años, 19-51. (authorized translation, lead article in the commemorative RBM issue)
  • —, “Twists, Turns, and Dead Alleys: The League of Nations and Intellectual Cooperation in Times of War,” in Journal of Modern European History, 12:3 (2014), p. 342-358.
  • —, “Zwischen·Regionalkompetenz·und·Global oder·Verflechtungsgeschichte: ·Lateinamerikanische·Geschichte·in·der·Schweiz,” in Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte 64:2 (2014), p. 263-278.
  • — with Enzo Nussio, “The Securitization Move that Failed: Food Security in Colombia, 1990-2010,” in Journal of Latin American Studies, 45:4 (November 2013), p. 641-668.
  • —, “Die Grenzen der «global governance» Der soziale Friede und das Thema Alkoholismus in Völkerbund und Internationaler Arbeitsorganisation,” Traverse – Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2 (2013), p. 98-108.

Book chapters

  • —, “Feeding Children in Cold War Central America: UNICEF, USAID and the Necessity of Development” in James H. Shrader and Anita Bradford (ed.), Little Nations: Childhood, Family, and the State in Cold War Latin America (in preparation).
  • Corinne A. Pernet and Isabella Löhr, “Seltsam, weiblich, aus bescheidenem Haus: Gabriela Mistral und die Herausforderungen eines kosmopolitischen Lebens,» in Isabella Löhr and Bernhard Gissibl (ed.), Bernhard Gissibl/Isabella Löhr (Hg). Bessere Welten: Kosmopolitismus in den Geschichtswissenschaften, Campus, 2017, p. 253-279.
  • Corinne A. Pernet, “‘In the Spirit of Harmony‘? The Politics of (Latin American) History at the League of Nations,“ in Alan McPherson and Yannick Wehrli, eds., Beyond Geopolitics: Latin America at the League of Nations,  University of New Mexico Press, 2015, p. 135-153.
  • Corinne A. Pernet and Martin Müller, “BRIC Foundations: New Kids on the Block and the Implications for Transcultural Communication,” in Yvette Sánchez and Claudia Franziska Brühwiler (eds.) Transculturalism and Business in the BRIC States: A Handbook, Gower Ashgate, 2015, p. 131-150.
  • Corinne A. Pernet, “Between Entanglements and Dependencies: Food, Nutrition, and National Development at the Central American Institute of Nutrition (INCAP),” In Sönke Kunkel, Corinna Unger und Marc Frey, eds., International Organizations and Development, 1945-1990, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, p.101-125.
  • Corinne A. Pernet, “Developing Nutritional Standards and Food Policy: Latin American Reformers between the ILO, the League of Nations Health Organization, and the Pan-American Sanitary Bureau,” in Sandrine Kott and Joëlle Droux (eds.), Globalizing Social Rights: The International Labour Organization and Beyond, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, p. 249-261.
  • —, “Shifting Position to the Global South: Latin America’s Initiatives in the Early Years at the United Nations,” in Claude Auroi and Aline Helg, (eds.), Images of Latin America, 1810-2010: Legacies and Dreams. London, Imperial College Press, 2011, p. 83-99.
Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
Latin America
Expertise by Chronology
20th century
Expertise by Topic
Children & Youth, Diplomacy, Gender, Politics, World War II