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University of Liverpool
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Early American Literature, Nineteenth Century American Literature and Culture, Critical Race Studies in American Literature and Culture, Utopias in Nineteenth Century America
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About Me

After studying for my BA in English Language and Literature (Leeds) and my MA in American Literature and Culture (Leeds), I received my PhD in American Studies from the University of Nottingham in 2017. Before joining Liverpool in 2019 I was Teaching Fellow in Early American Studies at King’s College London.

My research interests centre on race and citizenship in nineteenth-century American literature, with a specific focus on speculative genres (the gothic, horror, science fiction, utopia/dystopia). My first book “Liminal Whiteness in Early US Fiction” (Edinburgh UP) examines representations of white anxiety in US fiction before the civil war.

Recent Publications

Critical Whiteness Studies and Teaching Nineteenth-Century American Literature’, English, 70:271 (2021)

Liminal Whiteness in Early US Fiction (Edinburgh University Press, 2021)

‘Reading Utopia in 2020’, The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, 61: Summer Issue (2020)

‘Brown Studies Now and in Transition’, The Oxford Handbook of Charles Brockden Brown ed. by Philip Barnard, Hilary Emmett, Stephen Shapiro (Oxford University Press, 2019)

‘“I say to you I am dead!”: Medical Experiment and the Limits of Personhood in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar”’, Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies, 16 (2017)


Media Coverage
Why Hasn't Harriet Wilson, the First Black Female Novelist, Been Given Her Due?, Invited (Zora - A Medium Publication for Women of Colour, 2019)
Country Focus
United States
Expertise by Geography
Atlantic, United States
Expertise by Chronology
18th century, 19th century
Expertise by Topic
American Founding Era, Colonialism, Literary History, Race, Slavery