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Civics & Coffee Podcast
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women, welfare, labor, podcast, public history, oral history, medicaid, affordable care act, welfare reform
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About Me

I have a Master of Arts in History from Sonoma State University where I focused on women and labor in local welfare bureaucracy. My thesis focused on the experiences of women welfare workers who implemented two of the most significant changes to the social safety net: welfare reform and the Affordable Care Act. I blended oral histories with archival and secondary research to investigate why welfare workers are overwhelmingly women, what drew them to the work, and how they navigate the complicated politics related to welfare administration.

Additionally, I am the researcher, writer, producer, and host of a weekly U.S. focused history podcast, Civics & Coffee. Each episode I share short stories about the people and events from our past, normally running under twenty minutes – just enough time to drink your morning cup of coffee (or tea)! I also interview scholars and public historians about their sites and book projects.

Recent Publications

Monthly newsletters shared on the Civics & Coffee Substack.

Review of The Museum of African American History, Boston Campus on Mainly Museums.

The Fight Before the Fire: The New York Garment Strike of 1909. Inside History, Volume 7. 

Media Coverage
Country Focus
United States
Expertise by Geography
United States
Expertise by Chronology
20th century
Expertise by Topic
Gender, Government, Labor, Politics, Public History, Women