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University of Cambridge
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Environmental history, animal history, predator history, American West, North American frontiers, New England, nineteenth century frontiers, eighteenth century frontiers, environment and empire, gender and environment, Atlantic world
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Personal Info

About Me

I am an environmental historian and PhD student at the University of Cambridge, where I am writing an environmental history of the expedition of Thomas de Grey, Sixth Baron Walsingham through Northern California and Southern Oregon (1871-1872) through the lens of animal history. I am a member of the editorial team at the Network in Canadian History and Environment (NiCHE) working on The Otter blog, and am a graduate of Glasgow University (M.Res., English Literature (Victorian), 2019). The scope of my research interests lies principally in long nineteenth century histories which challenge and expand our understanding of the relationships between settlers, environment, and other-than-human beings to consider their greater ecological context. My favourite projects work at the intersections of animal history and frontier to walk with predator histories and microhistories, both to do better service by them and as a means to explore the pathways and patterns by which human ideas about what we broadly conceive of as “nature” are formed, transmitted, and changed over time (including through examinations of gender, folklorics, and occasionally, ecocritical approaches).

Recent Publications

Abbott, Caroline. “Axes on the Ground: Wolves and Women on the North American Frontier.” Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia: Explorations in Environmental History (Autumn 2023), no. 19. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society. ISSN 2199-3408.

Caroline Abbott. Review of Johnson, Robert M.; Gilman, Sharon L.; Abel, Daniel C.; Pullen, Elise, Tooth and Claw: Top Predators of the World. H-Environment, H-Net Reviews. Ed. Daniella McCahey. 3 May, 2024.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
Atlantic, British Isles, North America, United Kingdom, United States
Expertise by Chronology
18th century, 19th century
Expertise by Topic
Colonialism, Environment, Gender, Indigenous Peoples, Libraries & Archives, Literary History, Migration & Immigration, Museums, Public History, Women