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Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University
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Egyptology, Ancient Egyptian archaeology, art and architecture, iconography, Predynastic, Pharaonic and Ptolemaic history, visual and mortuary culture, ancient Near Eastern visual culture, conservation, museums
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About Me

Melinda Hartwig is the curator of ancient Egyptian, Nubian, and Near Eastern art at the Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University in Atlanta, GA. Previously, she was a Professor of Art History at Georgia State University. She received her Ph.D. from the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. She has curated local and national exhibitions and authored many articles and four books including A Companion to Ancient Egyptian Art (Wiley-Blackwell), which received a 2016 PROSE award. Melinda directs Theban tomb projects supported by grants from the NEH and USAID. In addition to lecturing worldwide, Melinda is a frequent on-air expert for documentaries about ancient Egypt. Melinda is a past President and member of the American Research Center in Egypt’s fiduciary Board of Governors.

Recent Publications

“Decorated Tombs.” In Methods and Aims in Egyptian Archaeology: A Sourcebook, edited by Peter Lacovara and Sue D’Auria. Atlanta, GA: Lockwood Press, 2024.

Life and the Afterlife: Ancient Egyptian Art from the Senusret Collection. Atlanta: Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University, 2023. Open-access HTML and PDF:

“Scribal Captions and Painting in the Tomb Chapel of Neferrenpet.” In Mural Decoration in the Theban New Kingdom Necropolis, edited by Peter Dorman and Betsy M. Bryan. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilizations (SAOC) series. Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2023.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Ancient Egypt and the Near East
Expertise by Geography
Expertise by Chronology
Expertise by Topic
Art & Architectural History, Material Culture, Museums, Religion, Science, Technology, Women