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Genova University
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Ancient Greek History, Greek historiography, Ancient military history, Ancient diplomacy, Greek political thought, Ancient Lydia, Greek history in Roman sources
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About Me

Since 2002 Associate Professor of Greek History and Greek Epigraphy at Genova University

Recent Publications


(2020). Fra polemos ed eirene. Studi su diplomazia e rapporti interstatali nel mondo greco, p. 1-304, Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso.

Edited Books

(with J.-C. Couvenhes, G. Traina) (2019). Plutarque et la guerre/Plutarco e la guerra. HIMA, p. 1-332.
(with L.R. Cresci) (2018). De Imperiis. L’idea di impero universale e la successione degli imperi nell’antichità, p. 1-376, Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider.
(with L. Pagani, G. Traina) (2016). Greek Texts and Armenian Traditions. An Interdisciplinary Approach, TRENDS IN CLASSICS, SUPPL., vol. 39, p. 1-345, Berlin-New York :Walter
de Gruyter.


(2022) “Ombre macedoni e translatio imperii in Valerio Massimo: un’ipotesi di lettura”, Rationes Rerum, 20, 1-24.

(2022). “Bridging the gap. Using the past to shape good faith in Greek diplomatic speeches”. In: F. Mari Ch. Wendt (eds.) Shaping Good Faith. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 49-79.

(2022). “L’altro dell’altro? Persia e Oriente in Valerio Massimo”. In C. Bearzot, F. Landucci et al. (eds.), Le exterae gentes in Valerio Massimo. Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 215- 246.

(2022). “La Lidie de Pline l’Ancien”. In: A. Vial-Logeay G. Traina (eds.), L’Inventaire du monde de Pline l’Ancien. Des colonnes d’Hercule aux confins de l’Orient. p. 97-120, Bordeaux: Ausonius.

(2021). “Intellectuals and Artists in Ancient Greek Diplomacy, From Culture to Politics” (Antik Yunan Diplomasisinde Entelektüeller ve Sanatçılar, Kültürden Politikaya). In: Gülgüney Masalcı Şahin – Alican Doğan (eds.), Eskiçağda Savaş ve Diplomasi – War and Diplomacy in Ancient Times. p. 199-226, Istanbul Ege Yayınları.

(2021). “Il popolo della ‘dolce vita’: stereotipi etnici e identità dei Lidi nelle fonti greche”. In: L. Locatelli, E. Piguet, S. Podesta’ (eds.), Constructions identitaires en Asie Mineure (VIIIe siècle avant J.-C.–IIIe siècle après J.-C.) Colloque international de Besançon, 18-19 octobre 2019. p. 69-99, Besançon : Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté.

(2020). “Adulazione e guerra nelle Vite di Plutarco”. Maia, 72/3, 571-592.

(2020). “Lettere dal fronte. Diplomazia e trame personali nei primi anni della guerra ionica (413-410 a.C.)”. Histos, 14, 35-69.

(2019). “Greek Ambassadors and the Rhetoric of Supplication. Some Notes”. Ktèma, 44, 53-69.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Greece, Anatolia, Mediterranean, Near East
Expertise by Geography
Expertise by Chronology
Expertise by Topic
Diplomacy, Literary History, Military, Politics