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University of Amsterdam
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Medieval History, Medieval Archaeology, Funerary Archaeology, Landscape Archaeology, Historical Archaeology
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About Me

I am a medieval historian and archaeologist. My research area focuses on landscape and funerary archaeology. I am currently a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellow at the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam School of Historical Studies (ASH), in partnership with Stanford University, Anthropology Dep., with a project entitled ‘ISLand – Isolation and Segregation Landscape. Archaeology of quarantine in the Indian Ocean World’. My project would be an experimental investigation within the historical archaeology, applied to isolated contexts.

After completing my PhD at the University of Bologna (Italy), I participated in several projects in Europe and abroad, managing different stages of research, from fieldwork to exhibition and museum workshop design. I published a monograph and co-edited 6 publications on archaeological projects, as well as articles in international scientific journals.

Recent Publications

Bergamo M., de Ferri L., Cianciosi A.,  Gelichi S., Pojana G. 2019, Spectroscopic investigation of early medieval tiles and bedding mortars from Nonantola (Modena, Italy) excavations, The European Physical Journal Plus (2019) 134: 209. doi: 10.1140/epjp/i2019-12642-x

Cherian C., de Ferri L., Falcone R., Cianciosi A., Cadamuro S., Gelichi S., Pojana G. 2020, Preliminary non-invasive study of Roman glasses from Jesolo (Venice), Italy, Glass Technology – European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A, Volume 61, Number 1, February 2020, pp. 1-15(15)

Lightfoot E., Seetah K., Čaval S., Calaon D., Appleby J., Santana J., Cianciosi A., Fregel R., Forest C., LaFleur J.-F., O’Connell T. C. 2020, Colonialism, Slavery and ‘The Great Experiment’: Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Le Morne and Bois Marchand Cemeteries, Mauritius, submitted to Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 31: June 2020, 102335

Gelichi S., Cadamuro S., Cianciosi A. 2020, Il castello tardo-romano di “Cuol di Ciastiel” in Carnia, in Alpine festungen 400-1000 chronologie, raume und funktionen, netzwerke, interpretation/ Fortezze alpine (secoli V-X). Cronologia, spazi e funzioni, sistemi, interpretazioni, ed. by E. Cavada, M. Zagermann, Atti del convegno München 13-14 settembre 2018, pp. 481-493. ISBN 978-3-406-10769-6.

Cianciosi A. 2021, Le crustae marmoree dalla mansio tardoantica di Equilus-Jesolo (Venezia). Ipotesi interpretative per le ricerche future. In Studia universitatis hereditati, 9(1), pp. 45-65.

Cianciosi A. 2021, Il “pozzo alla veneziana”: una soluzione complessa per un’esigenza quotidiana. Revisione dei dati archeologici sull’approvvigionamento idrico nei centri lagunari durante il medioevo. Il caso di Jesolo (VE), Archeologia Medievale (2020), pp. 371-388.

Gelichi S., Cadamuro S., Cianciosi A. (eds.) 2021, Due storie, una valle. La transizione antichità-medioevo sul Tagliamento attraverso l’archeologia, Firenze.

Cianciosi, A.; Čaval, S.; Calaon, D.; Seetah, K. 2022, Integrated Remote Sensing to Assess Disease Control: Evidence from Flat Island Quarantine Station, Mauritius. Remote Sensing 2022, 14, 1891.

Seetah, H. Moots, D. Pickel, M. Van Cant, A. Cianciosi, E. Mordecai, M. Cullen, Y. Maldonado, Global Health Needs Modernized Containment Strategies to Prepare for the Next Pandemic. Frontiers in Public Health 10 (2022).

Cianciosi A. 2022, Quarantine: can lessons from the past help improve disease response?, Anthropology Newsletter ,Volume 15, (2021-2022), Stanford, Dep. Of Anthropology, pp. 15-17.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
Africa, Mediterranean, Western Europe
Expertise by Chronology
Medieval, 18th century, 19th century
Expertise by Topic
Colonialism, Environment, Labor, Material Culture, Medicine, Migration & Immigration