Participant Info

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University of Muenster
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U.S. History, Civil Religion, Holidays, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, Martin Luther King Day, German-American Migration, Beer, Gilded Age, Progressive Era, Cold War, Civil Rights Movement
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Personal Info

About Me

I’m an Assistant Professor at the University of Münster (Germany), North American History Department. My dissertation focuses on civil religion and U.S.-American, patriotic holidays in the second half of the 20th century. In the academic year 2015-16 I was Visiting Fellow at the Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, funded by the German Research Foundation.

My current project focuses on the history of beer in pre-Prohibition USA and its evolution from a German cultural asset to an Americanized mass product.


Recent Publications

Fly the Flag and Give Thanks to God. Zivilreligion an US-amerikanischen patriotischen Feiertagen, 1945-1992. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2015.

Heike Bungert/Jana Weiß (eds.). Zivilreligion in den USA im 20. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2017.

“Remember, Celebrate, and Forget? The Martin Luther King Day and the Pitfalls of Civil Religion”, Journal of American Studies (2017), online:

“Frederick Pabst”, in: William J. Hausman (German Historical Institute), Immigrant Entrepreneurship. German American Business Biographies, August 2016,

“‘The Art of Brewing Was Developed by the Germans’: Der Einfluss deutsch-amerikanischer Einwanderung auf die US-amerikanische Brauindustrie vor der Prohibition”, in: Willi Kulke (ed.), Vom Streben nach Glück. 200 Jahre Auswanderung aus Westfalen nach Amerika. Essen: Klartext Verlag, 2016: 136-147.

“‘Hopfen und Malz, Gott erhalt’s’: How German-Americans Shaped America’s Beer Drinking Culture”, Max Kade Institute Friends Newsletter 24/3 (2015): 12-13.

“German Gemuetlichkeit 2.0”, in: Food, Fatness, and Fitness (Blog), 09/2015, http://food

Media Coverage
Country Focus
U.S. History
Expertise by Geography
North America
Expertise by Chronology
19th century, 20th century
Expertise by Topic
Capitalism, Economic History, Food History, Indigenous Peoples, Local & Regional, Migration & Immigration, Politics, Race, Religion, Rural & Agrarian History, World War I