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Newcastle University, UK
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architectural history, modernist architecture, architecture and women's health, gender, sexuality, medicine
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About Me

I am an architectural humanities lecturer and writer interested in creative critical methods of thinking about the history and theory of architecture. My research is interdisciplinary and explores the way architecture materialises and spatialises cultural and social history, primarily from the eighteenth to the twentieth century. I am particularly interested in intersections between architecture, medical humanities, English literature and art history, theory and practice. My writing employs different forms of text and creative modes to ‘reconstruct’ the past lives of buildings in the present. My current project, ‘The Architecture of Lying-in: Essays on Maternal Materialism, 1700–1900’, examines the role of architecture in the changing understanding of the maternal body and maternity practices.

Recent Publications

2016. Part-Architecture: The Maison de Verre, Duchamp, Domesticity and Desire in 1930s Paris (Routledge) [paperback March 2018]. Review: architecture research quarterly

2019. ‘As/Saying Architecture: A Ficto-Spatial Essay of Lying-in’, in Hélène Frichot and Naomi Stead (eds), Ficto-Critical Approaches to a Writing Architecture (in prep, Bloomsbury).

2017. ‘Between Landscape and Confinement: Situating the Writings of Mary Wollstonecraft’, in Hélène Frichot, Catharina Gabrielsson, Helen Runting (eds), Architecture and Feminisms: Ecologies, Economies, Technologies (Routledge).

2018. ‘Fiction: The Architecture of Ernest Jones’, in Anne Hultzsch and Mari Hvattum (eds), The Printed and the Built (forthcoming, Bloomsbury Academic).  

2016. ‘Part-architecture: the manifest and the hidden in the Maison de Verre and the Large Glass (or towards an architectural unconscious)’ in John Hendrix and Lorens Holm (eds), Architecture and the Unconscious (Ashgate).

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
England, France, United Kingdom, Western Europe
Expertise by Chronology
18th century, 19th century, Modern, 20th century
Expertise by Topic
Art & Architectural History, Gender, Medicine, Sexuality, Urban History, Women