Participant Info

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Kingston University
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design history, product design, interiors, home, technology, electrical technology, irish culture, irish design, domesticity
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Personal Info

About Me

I am a Irish design historian who specialises in the areas of product and interior design. I am currently the principal investigator on an AHRC Leadership Fellowship, researching women and rural electrification, focusing on the role played by domestic electric products in developing Irish ideas about modernity and domesticity in the 1950s and 1960s.

Topics of interest include: Design history, particularly relating to technology, product and interior design; image and object analysis; critical theory relevant to materiality and the designed object; the representation of technology through advertising and photography; electricity in Ireland; rural electrification

Recent Publications

Powering the Nation: Images of the Shannon Scheme and the Electrification of Ireland, Irish Academic Press, 2017

Subject editor for Practitioners, Bloomsbury Encyclopaedia of Design, general editor Clive Edwards, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015

Love Objects: Emotion, Design and Material Culture, co-edited with Anna Moran, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
British Isles, Ireland
Expertise by Chronology
20th century, 21st century
Expertise by Topic
Art & Architectural History, Material Culture, Rural & Agrarian History, Technology, Women