Participant Info

First Name
Last Name
Independent Scholar (Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania)
Website URL
ancient history, ancient Greece, ancient Near East, women's history, ancient sexuality, ancient prostitution, mythology, ancient religion
Additional Contact Information
Generally available

Personal Info

About Me

I am an independent scholar who publishes on women, sexuality, and religion in the ancient eastern Mediterranean, with foci on Greece and the Levant.  I have written six books and co-edited two additional volumes.  I am currently working on my next book, which pertains to women throughout world history who are not under patriarchal authority (neither father nor husband), and thus have been wrongly identified as prostitutes in the historiographic record.

Recent Publications

Women in Antiquity: Real Women Across the Ancient World.  Routledge Press.  London, UK. (Co-edited with Jean MacIntosh Turfa) 2016

Artemis. Gods & Heroes of the Ancient World.  Taylor & Francis.  New York, NY. 2015

Near Eastern Archaeology 79.3, special issue on gender archaeology, guest co-edited with Dr. Jennifer Webb of Latrobe University. 2016

“Prostitución secular y prostitución sagrada en la antigua Mesopotamia.” In Josué J. Justel & Agnès Garcia-Ventura (eds) Las mujeres en el Oriente cuneiforme, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares. 2018


Media Coverage
None, really
Country Focus
Ancient GReece/Ancient Near East
Expertise by Geography
Mediterranean, Middle East
Expertise by Chronology
Expertise by Topic
Art & Architectural History, Gender, Material Culture, Religion, Sexuality, Women