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Central Oregon Comm College
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Algeria, France, Jews, Muslims, Holocaust, World History, sex, sexuality
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About Me

I’m a historian, professor, writer, and editor. My field is modern European history, with a focus on Jewish history and French colonial history. My principal research project focuses on the Jewish population of Algeria in the 20th century.  I teach modern world history, including such topics as the history of the Islamic world, the history of sexuality, and the history of the Holocaust and genocide.

Recent Publications

“By Sentiment and By Status: Remembering Crémieux during the Franco-Algerian War,” in French Politics, Culture and Society. (Spring 2018)

“A Jewish-Muslim Battle on the World Stage: Constantine, Algeria 1956” in The Jews of Modern France: Images and Identities, Nadia Malinovich and Zvi Kaplan, eds., September 2016.


“Des Juifs Français Contre la Torture en Algérie” in Archives Juives, March 2015, pp. 109-127.

“From Childhood to Old Age in twenty-four years: The Ecole Maïmonide in Algiers, 1940-1964,” From Catalonia to the Caribbean: The Sephardic Orbit from Medieval to Modern Times: Essays in Honor of Jane. S. Gerber. eds. Federica Francesconi, Stanley Mirvis, and Brian Smollett (Leiden: Brill, 2018).

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
Africa, France, Middle East, Western Europe
Expertise by Chronology
Modern, 20th century, 21st century
Expertise by Topic
Colonialism, Emancipation, Holocaust & Nazi Persecution, Migration & Immigration, Politics, Rebellion & Revolution, Religion, Sexuality, World War II