Participant Info

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Purdue University Fort Wayne
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France, Espionage, Intelligence, Surveillance, Policing, French Empire, 19th century, 20th century, Madagascar
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About Me
Recent Publications


Marianne is Watching: Intelligence, Counterintelligence, and the Origins of the French Surveillance State (1870–1914), Lincoln NE, University of Nebraska Press, 2021.

Book Chapters and Articles

“Villains, Liars, Heroes and Patriots: Espionage, Warfare, and the Politics of Emotion in fin-de-siècle France” in Cultures of Intelligence in the Era of the World Wars ed. Simon Ball, Philipp Gassert, Andreas Gestrich, and Sönke Neitzel, Oxford University Press, 2020.

“Intelligence and Conquest in Nineteenth-Century French North Africa,” in Diplomacy and Intelligence in the Nineteenth-Century Mediterranean World, ed. Mika Suonpää and Owain Wright, Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2019.

“Planting the Espionage Tree: The French Military and the Professionalization of Intelligence at the end of the Nineteenth Century,” Intelligence and National Security, Vol. 31(5), 2016, pp. 659-673.

“Georges Boulanger: The Third Republic’s Spy Master?,” in Proceedings of the Western Society for French History, Vol. 39, 2011.

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
France, Western Europe
Expertise by Chronology
19th century, Modern, 20th century
Expertise by Topic
Colonialism, Diplomacy, Military