Participant Info

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Northwest Missouri State University
Website URL
United States, Medicine, American Revolution, History of Science
Additional Contact Information 660.562.1291 (work phone)

Personal Info

About Me

I am a historian of American medicine  interested in the intersections of science, medicine, and politics. My first book Benjamin Rush, Civic Health, and Human Illness in the Early American Republic was published in 2023 with the University of Rochester Press. It explores the way in which Benjamin Rush and his students promoted medical theories they believed were best suited to the new republic. I argue that Rush’s work in science and medicine played a foundational role in the American transition from colony to nation and the social structures that characterized it in the nineteenth century.

Currently I am sliding forward in time and looking at endemic goiter and iodine deficiency in the (very) long nineteenth century United States in a tentatively-titled book, American Goiter: A story of geography, gender, genetics, and salt. This geographically-defined endemic epidemic of swollen thyroids and presumed cognitive side-effects sheds new light on the development of American medical research, public health, genetics/eugenics, and the relationship between gender and healthcare.

Recent Publications


Journals and Similar Publications

  • “Simple Goiter: A Woman’s Disease and a Woman’s Problem to Solve,” Nursing Clio (November 15, 2023) 
  • “‘My Master and Friend’: Social Networks and Professional Identity in American Medicine, 1789-1815,” Social History of Medicine, 34.3 (August 2021): 742-765.
  • “Making Endemic Goiter and American Disease, 1800-1820,” Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 76.3 (July 2021): 239-263.
  • “Recommended for ‘frequent perusal’ and ‘improving the science of medicine’: Benjamin Rush’s American editions and the circulation of medical knowledge in the Early Republic,” Endeavour, 45.1-2 (March-June 2021)
  • “A Different Kind of Expert,” Nursing Clio (June 25, 2020)
Media Coverage
Country Focus
United States
Expertise by Geography
Atlantic, North America, United States
Expertise by Chronology
18th century, 19th century, 20th century
Expertise by Topic
American Revolution, American Founding Era, Disability, Environment, Gender, Government, Medicine, Women