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Rutgers University
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US: medical history, children's history, women's history
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About Me

I am the author of the recently published Babies Made Us Modern: How Infants Brought Americans into the Twentieth Century (Cambridge, 2018) and the author, editor, or co-editor of nine other books.  As a Professor of History at Rutgers University I specialize in the history of medicine, history of childhood, women’s history, and American social history. I co-edit the Critical Issues in Health and Medicine Series at Rutgers University Press and the Philadelphia Inquirer’s public health blog “The Public’s Health.” My work has been supported by the National Institutes of Health, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Commonwealth Fund, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists among other funders.  I am now working on a book about children, immigration, disability, and politics in the opening decades of the twentieth century.

Recent Publications

Babies Made Us Modern: How Infants Brought Americans into the Twentieth Century  (Cambridge University Press, 2018)

Media Coverage
Country Focus
Expertise by Geography
United States
Expertise by Chronology
19th century, 20th century
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